"If you have some dreams of your own that haven't materialized yet, it is nonaction that is preventing you from reaching them. Nothing comes about by merely dreaming about it. It only comes about by taking action."
- He Quotes...
"Don't give your imagination free rein. Don't allow it to control you. Rather, control it and exploit its power. It takes no more imagination to create a happy life than it takes to create a miserable one. So, take charge of your life today by focusing on what you want from life, instead of dredging up past failures. In other words, you must pre-live the future, not re-live the past. "
-He Quotes...
"People are decent and worthy of our support. Yes, some of them are wounded, and as a result act cruelly. But the worse of enemies can become the best of friends and your powerful ally."
- He Quotes...
May Death Do Us Apart
"Death is a sure thing for us. But when a new day comes, I'll cherish it fully because it might be the last day of my life."
- He Quotes...
"Living means trusting, being vulnerable and taking risks. It means following your heart and committing to take the plunge. Life offers no guarantees that there will not be pain and snags along the way. It does guarantee growth and hope with every step forward we take. To take a risk and grow, we have to learn to replace Fear with Faith."
- He Quotes...
Wind of change
"Change is hard. Change is hardest on those caught by surprise. Change is hardest on those who have difficulty changing too. But change is natural; change is not new; change is important."
- He Quotes...