Control Myself
"The only thing you have control over is yourself. Trying to control other people or things is a waste of time and energy."
- He Quotes...
He quotes, you reflect. Ponder through it. May you be inspired and motivated.
"The only thing you have control over is yourself. Trying to control other people or things is a waste of time and energy."
- He Quotes...
"Each day is, in some way, unique. Unlike all others you have experienced before, and unlike all those you will experience in the days to come."
- He Quotes...
" Everyday of your life, you are on a journey of growth. You see and hear new things; experience new thoughts and emotions; interact with new and different people - or interact with the same people in new and different ways."
-He Quotes...
"Love and compassion can propel us forward, but envy, resentment, and anger can bog us down."
- He Quotes...
" 'Oh, I could do that too, if I had the money, were younger, were healthier, had the time, had the education, or had the support of others.' Did you ever have thoughts like that? Those thoughts are unproductive. So stop blaming and take responsible of your life."
- He Quotes...